We had lovely family from South Korea this morning!

おはようございます!マエダ文具店です!We had lovely family from South Korea this morning!Oh my gosh this young girl speaks perfect Japanese! She said she has studied only for a couple of years in Korea. Great effort! They are here for a week. Have a good holiday! #office7maeda #maedastationery #マエダ文具店 #前田文具店#梅小路公園 #梅小路京都西駅 #ホテルエミオン京都 #梅小路ポテル京都 #ザロイヤルパークホテル京都梅小路 #梅小路花伝抄 #七条センター商店街 #korean #韓国 #仁川 #カムサハムニダ


おはようございます!マエダ文具店です!We had lovely family from South Korea this morning!Oh my gosh this young girl speaks perfect Japanese! She said she has studied only for a couple of years in Korea. Great effort! They are here for a week. Have a good holiday! #office7maeda #maedastationery #マエダ文具店 #前田文具店#梅小路公園 #梅小路京都西駅 #ホテルエミオン京都 #梅小路ポテル京都 #ザロイヤルパークホテル京都梅小路 #梅小路花伝抄 #七条センター商店街 #korean #韓国 #仁川 #カムサハムニダ